Marigolds – Marigolds are known for their strong scent, which can repel squirrels and other pests. Plant them around the perimeter of your garden to create a natural barrier.
Lavender – The fragrance of lavender is pleasant to humans but off-putting to squirrels. This hardy herb can thrive in various conditions and adds beauty to your garden.
Rosemary – Rosemary is another aromatic herb that squirrels tend to avoid. It’s drought-resistant and can be used in cooking, making it a practical choice for your garden.
Peppermint – The strong scent of peppermint can deter squirrels from approaching. Consider planting peppermint in pots to keep them contained and easy to manage.
Thyme – Thyme is a versatile herb with a robust aroma that squirrels dislike. It also attracts beneficial insects, which can help with pollination in your garden.
Nasturtiums – Not only do nasturtiums add vibrant colors to your garden, but their peppery taste and smell can also discourage squirrels and other pests from munching on your plants.
Garlic – Garlic is known for its strong odor that can repel various pests, including squirrels. Plant garlic bulbs in your garden for a natural deterrent and culinary use.
Cilantro – The pungent scent of cilantro can help keep squirrels away. Additionally, it’s a great addition to many dishes, providing both beauty and flavor to your garden.